These two cute kids belong to my cousin. Lola loved having her picture taken! She was so good to do whatever I asked. She will be celebrating her 3rd birthday soon and Dawson just turned one so it was a great time for pictures.
This is one of my favorite families. I grew up down the street from them. I was friends with the older ones in the family and babysat the younger ones. It was so great to see all of them again. As you can tell by the snow, it was cold the day of the pictures! But I was pleasantly surprised at how cooperative all of the little grand kids were even though I am sure they were freezing!
I had to show off this cute birth announcement that I put together. You get a birth announcement designed for you when I take pictures of your newborn!
This sweet newborn was only six days old when she came for pictures. She is the most alert newborn I have ever been around. She did not want to go to sleep at all! I am so glad I was able to meet her. She is coming to one of the nicest families I know!
My cousins all seem to be having babies these days! It is so fun to have all of these kids close in age. This is sweet little Maddox (don't you love the name)! I love all of the lose skin on his body. It is the cutest thing!
This is my good friend, Kambree, and her cute daughter Naleia. Naleia is really close in age to my Rylee so it is fun to see them together! I think Naleia is about the happiest baby I have ever take pictures of. I love her smile and all of her cute teeth!